Here are some signs or symptoms of heart failure - Pranaam Hospitals

Here are some signs or symptoms of heart failure

As cases of heart failure and cardiac arrests increase by the day, there is also increasing awareness of heart care. In this article, however, let’s look into the symptoms or signs that may indicate a potential heart problem.

Though the signs of heart failure may differ from person to person, here are some signs you need to be wary of.

Chest pain: Chest pain is the classic sign of a heart attack and yet, a lot of people ignore it or do not take it seriously, not realizing that it could be a medical emergency. If it is a heart attack, it is usually described as a heaviness, tightness, or pressure in the chest pains accompanied by feeling extremely unwell needs to be taken seriously, and going to a hospital on time can save your lives.

Arm pain: You might not associate arm pain with your heart, but it can be a sign of a heart attack. If your pain is going down the arm, especially the left arm, or into the neck that makes it more likely to be heart-related.

Nausea: Nausea along with chest pain should ring a bell. It may be a clear sign of heart failure. Not all bouts of nausea will mean heart attacks, but if you experience intense chest pain while feeling nauseous, it is time to rush to the hospital.

Feeling sweaty: Sweating after a session of working out or because it is a hot day, should not really worry you. However, feeling hot and clammy along with chest pains is a sign to rush to the hospital.

A jaw or back pain: Signs of a heart attack may include stinging pain in the jaw and the back, if it does not go away you need to get medical help.

Choking sensation: Sometimes the tightness or pain can be up in the throat and people have often described the feeling as a ‘restricting’ or ‘choking’ sensation. If the feeling continues, and you haven’t previously been diagnosed with a heart problem, you should see a doctor.

Swollen ankles: Do not ever ignore swollen ankles as they can be a sign of heart failure. It is a common symptom in a lot of other health problems, but getting it checked with a GP can give you a clear picture of it, whether or not it is related to a heart problem.

Extreme fatigue: Feeling tired all the time can be a symptom of heart failure, as well as other conditions. If you are tired due to working long hours or staying up late, it is probably not your heart. However, if you start experiencing extreme tiredness and your lifestyle hasn’t changed, you might want to book an appointment with your GP.

The above-mentioned signs of a heart attack or heart failure may not be experienced by all patients. There is also a chance that men and women experience different symptoms and different intensities.

Since some of the symptoms can also be confused with indigestion and are often ignored as gastric troubles, it is important to know and understand that a few of these symptoms together could mean danger and that rushing to a hospital could save lives.

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