Here’s How You Take Care Of a 10-Month-Old Baby

Your baby is 10 months old now and is another step closer to being a year old. They are now bigger; they probably don’t fit into their clothes and all of this seems to be happening really quickly. They are now doing a lot of things on their own, discovering some new things, figuring out some more…That being said, they are still your tiny bundle of joy and they need a lot of care, as much as they did 6 months ago here’s an article to help you take care of them well even as they are getting increasingly louder, busier, and fidgety.

Here are a few things you need to take care of:-

Feeding: At 10 months old, your little one’s meals are now properly scheduled and this is perhaps the best time to introduce new foods that your baby has not tried before.  Giving food on colorful plates and bowls will make them attracted to the new food. Always check for allergies before introducing them to new food and avoid processed and readymade foods for your baby. Be imaginative and creative while cooking for your baby.

Sleeping: There will be a change in your baby’s sleeping patterns, they might want to sleep a little more now and will fuss if you want them to stay up.

Teething: Your little one will now start getting more teeth. It is better to avoid giving them sweet or cold foods around this time as the teeth are still sensitive. Do not give them water and milk in glasses, only give them sippers for the time being.

Communication: Your 10-month-old is most likely to have picked up a lot of new words and encouraging them to speak and cheer them on when they say these new words will make them say these words again and again.

Talking a lot with your baby when you clean them up, change their diapers, or feed them will help them grasp more words. Reading to them, and singing to them will also help them improve their vocabulary.

When they try to explain things in their own way, using a few words they have learned, make eye contact and listen to them and try to understand what they say. Responding to them will make them happy as they start feeling heard. Use non-verbal communication as well as gestures, feelings, and actions while you talk to your baby.

Playtime: Your baby will be moving around the house more independently now so you need to create safe play zones for them as they do not have an understanding of what could hurt them and are likely to get hurt.

They can also spot items more easily at this age and get to them before you notice. So, make sure your house is clean and no small, hazardous items are within their reach. It might choke your baby.

Play games that encourage motor skills and hand-eye coordination. Stacking rings, blocks, cups, balls, etc., will be helpful. They would love to play with plastic phones, kitchenware, tools, dolls, and animals.

Growth: Your little bundle of joy can now sit comfortably and may also walk holding onto furniture. It is at this age, you can identify your baby’s personality, if they are outgoing or calm or the adventurous kind, now that they have started walking.

Their brain is well developed now with all 5 senses now being active: sight, hearing, taste, smell, and touch.

Introduce them to new tunes, and see their responses to them, play hide and seek, show them the difference between hot and cold, hard and soft surfaces, and so on. Explore ways to use some discipline strategies and teach your baby right from wrong and safe from unsafe.

As a parent, you can support them to feel secure and safe in their little world with loads of love and cuddles while allowing them to enjoy their independence.

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