How to take care of your baby at 4-months-old

You will now start noticing your baby’s manifestation of their unique personality traits.  You are now on your way to post-pregnancy recovery and you understand your little ones’ needs better. You know their sleeping and feeding patterns and are more at ease with the routine.

This is the phase your baby will start displaying notable physical development with increasing weight and height. Their eyesight is now better, hand-eye coordination is better, they now hold things, play with their toys by shaking them, roll over, and start showing facial expressions like smiling and smirking.

You on the other hand would be getting more and more confident in taking care of your baby. With four months of hands-on experience, you now know your baby a lot better. But here are some tips that will come in handy as some surprises might still be thrown at you from time to time.


Do not hurry to introduce solid foods yet. Your baby should be on breast milk as it provides the required nourishment. If you are a working mother, you can now gradually start bottle-feeding your baby with pumped-up breast milk.

Sleeping Patterns:

Your baby now sleeps a little less, so you need to work out a routine for naps and sleep timings.

Prevent Falls:

Now that your baby is starting to get ready for the adventure called life, they will start kicking and rolling over and this is when you need to be careful as there is a risk of hitting something while kicking and falling off the bed while rolling over. Ensure safety by removing any objects that could hurt them and putting pillows or cushions around them if you are leaving them alone,


Fix appointments with the doctor for the required vaccinations and when your baby gets irritable or develops a mild fever after the shots, soothe them by gently rocking or swaddling them. Seek necessary guidance from the doctor if needed.

Rashes and hygiene:

Being quick to change the soiled diapers to prevent rashes, keeping the baby diaper-free for some time every day, and maintaining good hygiene will also help in keeping rashes at bay. Ensure the diaper area is clean and dry. Use medicated baby wipes and a diaper rash cream.


Give massages daily to help your baby develop muscles. Back massages will help form the spine’s thoracic curvature and promote overall growth. Gentle massages calm your baby and also help them sleep better. Avoid massaging your baby immediately after a meal.


Your baby may start teething during this phase. They will drool, chew on objects and put their hands in their mouth, which is why you need to be careful with the toys you provide your baby with for playing. Get soft teething toys for them.