Your six-month-old and their newly acquired skills

Your little one is now six months old and their physical development and growth is now apparent. By now, they would have also learned a lot of things by observing their surroundings. Their senses are now better and they can feel, see, hear, smell, and taste better now.

One area where they are rapidly improving is their motor skills.  After six months of growth and development, your baby’s muscles are far more robust than they were at birth and they now aid in your little one’s motor skills.

Motor skills

With improved motor skills, your baby is likely to be staying in a sitting position without support, they might now be holding up their head and looking around too! Rolling over from tummy to back and vice versa is now a walk in the park and lifting up their body with their arms when on their tummy is their favorite.

Grasping objects firmly with all fingers, kicking and pushing their body around with their legs, and standing up while leaning or holding onto something firm are some things they are now very likely to do.

However, if your 6-month-old is not doing any of these things mentioned above, there is nothing for you to be worried about. As mentioned in the earlier article on your 6-month-old baby’s improved senses, each baby follows their own developmental path.

These are just some of the motor skills that you may begin to witness in your baby around six months of age.

Language Skills

Your bundle of joy is now likely to respond to you with its own voice. If they already haven’t, be ready for the first time they try to say something to you in their adorable voice. While they won’t be able to speak complete words yet, they will start to babble.

Though they would have been making the “oohs” and the “aahs” for about a couple of months now, they will now start using consonant sounds like B, M, S, and P sounds.

This is the point when you need to be extra animated while reading to your little one. If you are reading stories to them, remember to over-emphasize different vowel and consonant sounds.  By doing so over and over again, you will help your baby recognize and learn new consonants and vowel sounds.

Also, do not forget to keep talking to your little one as much as possible. This will not only help you bond better but also help your baby in learning new words. Starting from this age, your baby will most likely try and improve speech and is likely to start saying a few words every now and then by the time they turn 1! Excited, aren’t you?