Why prenatal yoga is very important?

We all know that yoga is a great way to relax, stay healthy and physically fit. But, did you know that yoga during pregnancy – Prenatal Yoga – will not only help the mother-to-be maintain her health and relax, but will also aid in preparing her body for the labour.

Moreover, prenatal yoga is also great for the baby’s health!

Before we get to the advantages of prenatal yoga, let us first learn what it is and how it is different from regular yoga.

Yoga is a form of exercise which includes meditation, where certain body postures (Asanas) along with breathing patterns, will help relax the body and connect it to the mind. Prenatal yoga, on the other hand, follows the same principles, but is different as it is specifically designed for the changing bodies of pregnant women for their comfort.

Prenatal yoga is one of the best kinds of exercise for pregnant women as it only includes yoga postures/asanas that are physically possible for them, as the name rightly suggests. Common postures which may include stretching legs apart and bending the back too much are avoided in this kind of yoga, considering the fact that the growing baby’s weight pulls the mother down.

Here is a list of things you can expect from a prenatal yoga class –

. Introduction of yourself where your instructor will ask you about your health conditions (if any) and try to understand your capabilities based on the assessment of your body.

· Warming up and stretching will include calm periods of gentle breathing, meditating and relaxing your muscles which will get you ready for your class.

· Other moms-to-be, who could prove to be helpful by sharing their experiences through their pregnancies.

The prenatal yoga sessions as mentioned above could provide a window for sharing experiences, and it could also be a great opportunity to socialize and make friends, or peacefully disconnect from the hustle-bustle, depending on what your preferred option is… Now, that being said, let’s learn about the benefits of prenatal yoga in the next article.

Below are sample videos taken at Pranaam Hospitals.

For Prenatal Yoga, Please contact Dr.Aarti.

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